Monday, July 21, 2008

A Piece of Naruto: Hokage Memoirs

With cool fight scenes and ninjas galore, its no wonder why Naruto is one of the hottest anime to come out of Japan of late. Another possible reason for its popularity is that it's an underdog story and as the old saw goes, everyone loves an underdog. Naruto, as we learn from the series, is a victim of circumstance. But in spite of this, Naruto strives to become a Hokage (the highest rank of a ninja), which will earn him honor and respect. Way to go Naruto! So everyone, show your support for Naruto and visit these sites pronto!

Naruto EX
The webmaster says that the site was made using Adobe Photoshop, Notepad and a lot of patience. And the result is truly excellent web resource that is Naruto EX. Note that the splash image is merely a jump-off to the site itself; you will get a pop-up screen and all the contents will be displayed there. Hence if, you do not see anything happen after clicking the splash image, check your pop-up blocker. One of the nicer things about this site is that it has a geographic map of the Five Great Shinobe Countries as well as the other surrounding countries. The Chakra guide is also a nice feature of the site, as well as the Shinobe Rankings. I once played Final Fantasy Tactics during my PSP days and you can use one turn of the Ninja to use Chakra. I was able to appreciate what that meant only now (you can always learn something new, even in anime!). Ninja Apparel and Tools/Weapons is also discussed in detail, a major plus if you are into Ninja history. Want something really cool? Head-on to the "Multimedia Section". Here, you'll find the best Naruto animated gifts around! They're simply amazing. Sharp images and animation. And the quantity of animated gifts you can get here is astounding. Mind the webmaster's usage policy - a lot of time and effort was expended to make these. The other sections in Multimedia provide you equally stunning graphics, proof of the webmaster's proficiency in the editing. The "Naruto Music Section" will keep you occupied for quite some time too. MP3-encoded files for your listening pleasure. Naruto EX is a treasure-trove of graphics and information; thank the webmaster by clicking on the paypal button now! (Not that I'm endorsing anyone or any site).

Naruto Fan: Your #1 Naruto Source
This website blew me away - not so much by the humongous content but by the webmasters themselves. There are three "Head Webmasters" and two "junior" ones. You might say: "Well, that must be the reason why the site is so great, they've got five people maintaining it". But it's not the reason at all. The webmasters ae just aged between 15 to 17 and are from the different continents, namely the US, Canada, New Zealand and the UK! Now isn't that something? Their over 20,000 membership list is testament to their claim to fame as the #1 Naruto source. And look at the wide selection of information at your fingertip's! Best of all, you can get the full anime and manga episodes by downloading it from here. But first, you need to get the BitTorrent client.
Whoa! What's BitTorrent?::: BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer sharing program, which basically means that there is no central server for sharing files. Instead, you get bits of file from those in the network who are sharing it. Do note, however that this publication is not responsible for files that you download from the net using this or any other peer-topeer network. Just a bit of information for you to know. And knowing is half the battle....
Naruto Fan is chock full of information on backgroundres, as well as indepth analyses of the anime's more salient points, such as the battle guides, character comparison charts, chuunin exams, logos and symbols. If Naruto was subject in school, you can head straight to this site and get most of the information you need to get an excellent report! And what's anime site without an image gallery? NarutoFan has lots of unbelievably sharp screenshots, as well as fan gallery. There are also game reviews (video games and cards) that will surely appeal to the gamer in you. NarutoFan is absolutely a must-visit for any, well, Naruto fan. The color scheme is fantastic, the content amazing. Whatever baby formula the webmasters ingested during their infancy, their parents simply must share it with the rest of the world.

Naruto Central: Your #1 online source for Naruto
Naruto Central employs a simpler, more conventional layout. Head straight to the "Information Center" and click on "Creator's Child History", where the childhood influences of Masashi Kishimoto (the creator of Naruto) are revealed. Ten short chapters make for some interesting reading. Some interesting details can be found here. Much to my chagrin, I also learned that kishimoto-san is younger than me! The "In-depth Information" section gives you... in-depth information (duh!) on various elements surrounding the world of Naruto. For example, well defined sections on the Clans, the known demons (which make you relize just how deep Naruto" historical background is), Death List (a Who's who of who-killed-who), and lots more. When your brain can't take in another bit of Naruto, head off to the "Multimedia Section". MP3s of the soundtracks can be had here, as well as midis for your polyphonic phones and - get this - music videos! These can you can find only in Naruto Central. Wallpapers, avatars and icons also abound in this section for your enjoyment. And here's a nice touch. Visit the "Extra Section" and you'll find unique content, such a the jigsaw puzzles, fanfics and an origami guide to making your own 5-point shuriken! Naruto Central is easy to navigate and has an equal balance of information and fun. Definitely two thumbs-up for this site.

There are tons of other cool Naruto sites out there and here are some special mentions:

Naruto Chuushin
Naruto Chuushin is dotted with ads embedded into the site but sift through those and you get another nice place to download songs from the soundtrack and Naruto info of course.

Naruto Bloodline: Supplying those Naruto Fanatics Daily
Sharp and clean layout, with the details, all n eatly laid out in the menu at the left. Bloodline is relatively new, with a comprehensive membership package in the works. the "Multimedia" section is also in progress and the "Forums" section is just starting out. Be one of the veteran Bloodline member! Naruto Bloodline has the looks of a site that will be a definite stopover for Naruto fans everywhere.

Naruto Insight: You Naruto Info &Media Resource
The "Advanced Bloodlines" in the "Information Index" menu was quite interesting. Some charaters' blood heritage can be determined through their particular eye and aura characteristics. The Ninja ranks are also described in detail.

Naruto-kun: The Palace where all Ninjas meet
Loads of guides here. the "Media" section contains full episodes as well as game clips. Membership perks available.

Other Links: You know how to read kanji? God for you! Then head-on to the following sites..
TV Tokyo's Naruto site
The Official Naruto Website

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